Front-end Web Developer

Hi, I am Snehamoy Bag. A passionate Frontend Web Developer based in West Bengal, India.










IP address tracker app

IP Address Tracker App

It is a web app that can track any IP address or domain. On page load, the app will detect your IP address and show location information and display it on a map. You can then search for any IP address by typing it in the search bar, and it will display all the necessary details of that IP or domain addresss. If you provide an invalid IP or domain address the app will throw an error. The app is built using HTML, CSS and Javascript and is responsive. It uses Ipify and Leafjs APIs to fetch and display data on the screen.

project signup form

Signup Page

A signup page built using HTML, CSS and Javascript. The project put my form verification skills into a test. One must fill all the input fields correctly in order to signup. The user gets notified in real time as they type, which helps the user to type the correct/acceptable pattern in the input field. The page is also completely responsive, so can be accessed and used from all types of devices and screen resolutions.

project signup form

Clipboard Landing Page

Fully responsive Landing Page with scroll animations. Built using HTML, Sass/SCSS and Javascript. This one was on of the first project where I used Vite with Sass and AOS Library. The landing page follows all the accessibility standards and conventions. The animations on scroll gave the page a much needed immersiveness that it deserved.

project f a q accordion

F.A.Q Accordion

Accordions are essential parts of modern web. In this project I wanted to learn how to build one. I used HTML, CSS and Javascript to achieve my desired outcome. This was the first ever project where I used Javascript to build something. Looking back at it now, I can certainly understand the Javascript can be written cleaner. I'll definetly update it at somepoint in the future. Nonetheless it was one of my proudest project back at that time, it is responsive, modern and stylish. Definetly deserves a spot in this portfolio. 😄

project age calculator

Insure Landing Page

Responsive landing page built using HTML, Sass/SCSS, Javascript. I used Vite to complile my Sass files. This is a simple, responsive static page that follows all the accessibility standards and conventions of modern web. I used Sass partials to make various CSS components that can be reused again and again. I really like how clean and modern the site looks.

project f a q accordion

Rock Paper Scissors

Fully "responsive rock-paper-scissors" game build using HTML, SCSS and Javascript. The game logic was simple enough to build but the thing that made me sweat, was the animations! Took me few trials and errors to make the animations responsively correct so it can be played on all types of devices. Game runs super smooth and can be fun!


picture of snehamoy bag

Hi, I'm Snehamoy Bag, a frontend web developer specializing in accessibility and user experience. I'm dedicated to creating inclusive digital solutions that are visually appealing, functional, and accessible to all users.

My passion for web development started as a personal pursuit and has grown into a deep-rooted commitment. I continuously expand my knowledge and stay updated with industry trends to deliver modern websites that prioritize usability and smooth interactions.

I believe in the power of technology to empower and include everyone. Using my skills in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React, I strive to build seamless user experiences that make a lasting impact.

Let's collaborate to bring your web vision to life while making a positive difference in the digital landscape.

Let's Connect